Our Leadership
Organizations become great, and achieve their purposes not through the efforts of any
single individual, but through the coordinated activity of a team of committed leaders.
Jeffrey "Jeff" Heft, CEO
Founder and CEO
Come rain, sleet, or snow, you will find Jeff on the job and assuring that whatever has been promised will be delivered on time and of high quality. Whether it's building a ramp for home wheelchair access, remodeling a bathroom, or completely rehabbing a house for the Home Ownership Program, Jeff has a deep passion for projects and those who benefit from them!
Steve Brown
Member, Board of Directors
Obviously a man who has one or two fish stories, Steve also works as a program developer for RLI, Peoria. He is one of His Helping Hands' founders and has been a member of the Board since its inception. Steve likes to spend time at projects, IT, woodworking, and fishing. He is a member of the First English Lutheran Church in Peoria.
James "Jim" Yocum
Member, Board of Directors
In addition to having stewarded His Helping Hands' financials while serving as a member of His Helping Hands' board, Jim is a financial advisor for Thrivent. He likes to spend his time with family, grandkids, and the praise band at his church—also First English Lutheran in Peoria.
Rod Pyles
President, Board of Directors
On any given day, you will find Rod working diligently on one of His Helping Hand's current projects, whether home repairs for a current resident, or helping to restore a home for a first time home buyer. He is a retired business manager/parts manager with Altorfer having been with the company 46 years. Rod likes to add that he is also a proud father of three daughters, and grandfather to two grandchildren.
His Helping Hands, Inc.
2527 W. Rohmann Ave.
West Peoria, IL 61604
We respect your privacy and will never share your information.
"Dear children let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" (I John 3:18)